Monday, July 09, 2007

Cancer? That's hilarious!

THERE ARE A LOT of things you can call me that I'll grin and bear, but the one adjective I will not abide is "nice." It's not that it's bad to be good hearted or kind. Its just that nice no longer means those things. Nice is what you say about people when you don't know what else to say. Nice is utterly unremarkable, totally inoffensive. Nice is Gap pants. Nice is a light blue Honda Civic from 2004. Nice is teriyaki chicken, cooked a little too long just to be on the safe side, over white instant rice.

You don't dislike nice people, you just don't think of them. That girl from your Junior year English class was nice. You know the one I'm talking about, third row, second from the wall? She got decent grades, went on to State after graduating? She had mouse brown hair and clear, but sort of sallow skin? You probably don't remember her name because because no one ever thought to bring her up before.

Take the following video. Everyone in it is obsessed with being nice, but in the process of joking about some of the most offensive things possible, they stop being nice and start being real. And by that I mean real awful.

Creation Nation - I'm Nice

"We put Abu Ghraib hoods on the Cohens..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh god, that is the WORST. Nice is such a bullshit term these days. Unremarkable. Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks so.