Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm not an asshole, I just play one on TV

DESPITE THE FACT THAT it happened months ago, my friend M has recently developed a fascination with the Rosie O'Donell-Donald Trump multiple-round verbal smackdown. M's always found acid tongued humor funny, so it comes as no surprise that he would die laughing to hear two adults say truly hateful things about one another on national television.

If you ask me, Trump and O'Donell deserve each other. Back when Rosie was the "Queen of Nice" on Morning TV, I took my younger sister to see her show being taped live. My father and Rosie have the same agent (or did, anyway), and he had scored us really good seats, saying that Rosie would come over and say hello, or at the very least fling a Koosh Ball or two our way.

Not only did Rosie not come over and say hello, it was startling to see the transformation that took place once the cameras shut off. When the red light was on, she was smiling and warm, but when they flickered out, it was like her soul flickered out as well. The light in her eyes literally went out. She tromped around the stage with a sneer, like she couldn't be bothered to be there. I think she flung those Koosh Balls at the audience not as a way of engaging us, but out of revolted distain for the people that had come to see her.

As for Trump, he is, of course, a Grade A schmuck.

Regardless, today I got the following gchat from M, who has apparently been inspired to a new level of bitter scorn:

"You're a fat disgusting sasquatch, and a loser. I am so glad you are leaving DC, because you'll probably fail in business school and I love to see ugly people fail. You're a loser. I'll probably sue you because it will be fun to take money from your fat ass."

He's good at this game. Too bad I love the sasquatch.

Very Tasteful - Forest Ninja (I Love the Sasquatch)

"Never seen the movie Tron."

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