Monday, June 11, 2007

Don't worry, my gay pride is offset by my white guilt

THIS WEEKEND WAS GAY PRIDE in Washington, which meant that Team Peen was out in full force across our nation's fairest district. Personally, I feel like gayness is a strange thing to be proud of. Not that one should be ashamed of being gay, but it seems weird to be proud of something in which one played no part. I mean, be proud as hell when you make out with a great guy, but as Margaret Cho so aptly pointed out, there's no such thing as the Slut Pride Parade.

If we're being honest, Gay Pride Weekends aren't doing much for gay politics. I have straight friends who get more excited about Pride than any gay people I know, in large part because the gays all know that the three days should really be called We're All Trying to Have Sex At Once... Weekend.

Gay Pride also seems to give people license to act in ways they would never act normally. I was out at a bar this weekend and had the following conversation:

"Hey," he said. "Where'd you get those shoes?"

"Thanks! I got them online. Do you like them?"

"Yeah. So, like, are you a top?"

Are you kidding me? Can we at least exchange names first?

Electric Six - Gay Bar

First Cobalt, then the after party in the Lincoln Bedroom?


Anonymous said...

I stayed far away from Pride this and last year. I mean honestly, I did not feel like dealing with 98594512 gays and lesbos all in the streets acting a fool (and looking a hot mess to boot).

B. Wizzle said...

Yeah, I missed the parade as well. I'm here, I'm queer, I'm over it.