Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Discovering my little corner of the internet

AND NOW IT'S TIME for a little segment I like to call "Who are you and please get out of my house."

Top 6 Favorite Search Phrases That Inexplicably Led People Here

1. people that look like gooses
2. people with height dont look as fat
3. how to get a job at goldman
4. proctologist test
5. that's right jesus is lord
6. brian boitano


Match.com is the new porn

CAN WE TALK ABOUT the sudden ubiquity of couples who met online? I don't know when it happened, but it's like I woke up a couple of weeks ago and realized that almost all the couples I know met on Match.com. Except, of course, that couple who met on a Craigslist booty call. (Need I mention it was in the m4m section? I thought not.)

All this has made me wonder, What am I missing? (Cue Sarah Jessica Parker saying, "Meanwhile uptown, Samantha was missing something too... her panties").

I have nothing against meeting people online. I don't think it's creepy or just for losers without other options, but it is a little lame, a little deflated. Where's the romance? A friend's parent's met on a train as it chugged through the European countryside; my own parents met randomly on a bench in Central Park, and my dad says he knew from the moment he saw her that she was the one.

As Match would have us believe in their brilliant new ad campaign, it can all begin with a look, but where's the magic when your dad tells you that he thought your mom's professional headshots were cute, and that when he read how she "loves exploring new restaurants, but is just as happy staying home and watching a movie (and cuddling... ;))," he knew he had to write and say, "OMG I love going out and staying in too!!!!"

PART OF THE PROBLEM is that when you meet online, you've already cut out a big chunk of the dating game. There's no sexy eyes, no wondering whether they think you're cute. Ostensibly, you're both there because you want to meet someone, that special someone, so most first dates are probably as romantic as a trip to the Gap to try on jeans. "I don't know Kathy... he's a relaxed fit, and I'm more of an apple bottom girl."

I think that's why no one really talks about it. How many times has a friend gone on and on about the guy they're seeing, only to dry up when you ask how they met.

"Oh, we met online." That's it, because that's all there is to say. "I know, I know, I'm totally not the type to meet people online, but he's so great!"

Don't lie to me, and don't lie to yourself. You may feel a little shame mixed in with that excitement you feel when you log in, but face it: You are the type to meet someone online. We all are. We're all tired of fucking around with love, all tired of waiting, even if the waiting is a byproduct of the romance.

I have to give some serious credit to people who are out there making it happen for themselves. Because you know what doesn't help you find the one? Sitting in your underpants reading the New Yorker on a Friday night. Trust me, as satisfying as Hendrik Hertzberg may be, his witty political banter isn't interested in being your big spoon.