Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Up on the roof, arising a clatter.

IT WAS ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL CHRISTMAS at the Wizzle home. We woke up early, my brother and sister upstairs in their bedrooms, me on the foldout downstairs now that my bedroom is my father's office. (I am not at all bitter about this). By the time all us kids were ready to go, my father had already been awake hours - I know because he, as usual, turned on the TV and started unloading the dishwasher hours before sunrise. (Again, not at all bitter).

We have a sacred Christmas morning tradition at the Wizzle home, one that must be upheld regardless of where one sleeps. Only half awake, I stumbled upstairs, careful not to look at the tree. The three of us queued up at the top of the stairs and closed our eyes, then my mom led us all down the stairs until we were all facing the tree.

"Open your eyes."

We all "Ooh" and "Aah" over the presents and the tree, and tell my parents what a beautiful job they've done again this year. My parents stand there beaming, and look at each other, my father clasping his hands together, shoulders a little hunched, my mother stepping in closer to him. They are proud and satisfied and happy. It's the best part of Christmas.

THAT IS, UNTIL WE start opening presents. You should see this hoody jacket my brother gave me! This shit is so fly. I put it on, and instantly felt beautiful.

The other gift of the day was from my sister and her boyfriend to my parents. It was this gorgeous decanter they'd all seen at a silent auction a few weeks back. My parents had bid twice on it, but were ultimately outbid. Thinking hope was lost, Jeff says to my sister, "Why don't we win it and give it for Christmas?" (The guy's racking up point's left and right, starting with when he stepped out of his jeep to meet my parents for the fist time. I was on the phone with my mom at the time, and when she sees him she goes, "Oh! He's cute... oh... okay... oh my... okay, I need to go.")

From there, we get all dressed up in our new clothes, stand around the tree, take a picture, and call it a day.

Merry Christmas.

Nick Pitera - "Silent Night"

If you shut your eyes, it's remarkable.

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