Friday, April 27, 2007

Gay Robot

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

... and then I think they lost interest.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Frontiers of Science

GEEK ROCK by a Columbia undergrad. The beat in this song is kind of sick.

This one goes out to all my Ivy League people.

Reni Laine - "Frontiers of Science"

"Sexy ladies, get out your calculators. We're going to do a little thing called back of the envelope calculation."

In which too much is revealed

THERE ARE SO MANY amazing things about this video, pulled from Atlanta Public Television. This is why we invented public access, for all the learning.

Heads up: This is NSFW, unless you have headphones.

"You can't let every man hit the root of your vagina." It has a root? I know now why it's called "deflowering."

"He won't take you to Long John Silver for some shrimp, but he will give you a mouthful of sperm, or a rectum ful of sperm... The penis will have ejaculated all up in your brain." Apparently, LJS shrimp is the way to a woman's vagina root.

A friend in college had the jackrabbit. The day she got it, a few of us went down to her apartment on our way out for the night, and she answered the door wearing her robe, hair all sexed up and a mess. "Hiiii guuuyssss... I think I need to stay in tonight..."

Now I know why, and I kind of wish I didn't.

In which I reveal my fervently held secret wish

MY FRIEND K sent this to me. She may have been implying that my friends and I are like the unicorns -- the conversations in the video are disconcertingly similar to ones I've had at Halo.

Episode 1

"We've got to do something." "That sounds dangerous."

Episode 2

"I don't like your shoes."

When I was a little boy, I had a My Little Pony. But, I mean, I had the boy My Little Pony with the blue mane and tail, so it was totally fierce. I mean butch. I mean masculine. I mean, I had no male friends.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Trillions! (Episodes 1 and 2)

A GOOD FRIEND shared these -- his brother's boyfriend is one of the actors.

Episode 1

"Congratulations children, I'm on my deathbed."

Episode 2

"I'll alert the papers that we need a new chauffeur's son."

"Triiillionssss!" I can't wait to see what happens next.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

In which I reveal what I do when alone in my apartment

MY FRIEND LEFT ME a link to this video, saying, "This is what I imagine you do in your apartment by yourself. Tell me I'm wrong."

"Yes, although my routine involves a lot less clothes and a lot more mirrors."

Friday, April 20, 2007

In which I share the secret to my popularity


Go turn on my tree

SEASONALLY INAPPROPRIATE, but who's keeping track?

My mother has a similar obsession with Christmas trees. Every year she becomes unreasonably attached to the idea of the perfect tree. The woman can point out a tree's bare patches like none other. We all stand around at the tree place while she has our tree attendant and/or my father shake the tree's branches free, then walk it in a circle so she can take a good look. Despite her best efforts, once the tree opens, there's usually lopsided patch anyway, which we have to hide with the bigger ornaments.

Every year, my parents fail to account for our enormous tree stand and inevitably wind up buying a tree that is at least six inches too tall. Turning the tree upright always scrapes the ceiling, which leads to a bout of muttered cursing by my father -- usually of my mother, who insisted that a smaller tree would be diminuative in our GIANT CONNECTICUT HOME. He then has to chop the top foot off the tree in order to affix the star at the top.

Jackie and Debra

IN WHICH DEBRA explains why she and Jackie are no longer BFs.

Please note Debra's puppy purse.